
CNE Middle School has had a busy and successful first quarter! The end of quarter rewards activity will take place on Friday, October 21; all students are invited to participate as long as they have not had a major office referral during the first quarter. The reward time will take place during the day and will give students a choice between free-time outside, playing in the gym, watching a movie in the cafe, or participation in gaming in the Art room. 

Here are some of the incredible things that have happened at the MS this quarter: 

  • The entire student body was given the Acadience Screener, which gives staff detailed information about reading capabilities for our students, providing information that will drive intervention efforts for students at CNE MS. Acadience also has a progress monitoring component which allows staff to see how each student is progressing, which helps to target very specific skills students need help with. A big shout-out to the MS Special Education and Reading Intervention teachers, as well as school psychologist Ben Glad, who made this possible. 

  • The 8th grade volleyball team won the regular season SBAAC National Division Championship! Congratulations to Coach Jayne Mummert and the team. Members of the team are: Jenna Brown, Lila Ritter, Elizabeth Woeber, Raina Eichenlaub, Allie Atkins, Addy Baker, Samantha Baker, Mackenzie Boland, Bryleigh Amann, and Amya Rogers. 

  • CNE MS received an overall rating of 4/5 stars from the Ohio Department of Education for results of the Ohio State Tests taken at the end of last school year. Prior to the COVID-19 Pandemic, CNE Middle was rated a B and has now worked its way back up to that equivalent status. The MS is so proud of the efforts made by students and teachers!

  • Be the Difference Club RETURNS for the 2022-23 school year! Students who sign up to be in this club will be working on projects that promote positive and respectful behavior for staff, students, and our community. Projects will also involve giving back to the community in which we live. These projects will be determined by the members of the club, and will be evolving as the school year progresses.

  • Every Friday, our teachers nominate students who have done particularly well for the week for the Wheel of Cheer! Students' names are put on a carnival wheel and drawn during lunch for the following week. Winners have the opportunity to enjoy an hour session in the Rocket Reward room!!

  • CNE Middle School students took a trip to Scene 75 for our Mid Quarter Rewards Activity. Any student who did not receive a minor or major office referral, had all of their work turned in, and were passing all of their classes were eligible to attend.

  • CNE Middle School Vocational Agriculture students had the opportunity to check out the Farm Science Review during a field trip in late September. Mrs. Oeder is working hard to develop our new Vocation Agriculture class, which is part of an initiative between both Clermont Northeastern AND the Great Oaks Career Development Center.

With the transition from first to second quarter, CNE Middle continues their focus on staff development. Beginning October 17, CNE will be conducting building walkthroughs, which allows teachers to give honest feedback to one another about what is observed in their classrooms. Staff members on the Building Leadership Team have worked hard to develop a feedback tool to make this happen. CNE MS takes pride in giving and receiving feedback to help grow colleagues so that students can be provided with the best educational experience possible. 

The PBIS Store will also be open monthly throughout the year. Students have the opportunity to take the points they earn for exhibiting good behavior and put them toward awards. This continues to encourage students to learn behavior expectations. 

During the second quarter, CNE MS is looking forward to many things, including: 

  • Working with the Building Leadership team to determine where students will go for the 2nd Quarter Mid Quarter Reward. Students work hard to make sure that they are well-behaved in school and keep their grades up in order to earn this reward. 

  • The National Junior Honor Society is having a fundraiser for the victims of Hurricane Ian. Donations to the victims will go directly to an organization that is helping people in need after the devastating storm. Members of NJHS are: Jenna Brown, Belle Morrow, Julia Best, Erica Thompson, Makena Jones, and Alexis Lung.

  • Administrators will continue to work closely with the building’s Math and ELA coaches to develop meaningful and productive professional development within our Teacher-Based Team Meetings and beyond. Rachel Daniels (ELA) and Cari Vangen (Math) have been observing classrooms, talking to staff, and developing PD that will help them become better at their craft.

  • Students have been receiving Positive Office Referrals for exceptional behavior that teachers award. CNE Middle has been recognizing these students for the past five years by awarding them a certificate, a call home, and a social media post highlighting their accomplishment.