Good afternoon, last week our Superintendent, Mike Brandt, sent a message to families letting them know all students would learn remotely this week.  Throughout this week we will be sharing reminders about the procedures in place for our return to in-person learning which is currently scheduled for Monday, January 11thBelow are reminders about completing daily symptom checks and wearing masks.  As a reminder all classrooms, restrooms, cafeteria, etc are disinfected every night using electrostatic disinfecting machines.  Additionally, each month all spaces are sprayed with Germ Stop which repels germs, viruses, and bacteria for 30 days.  You can view the District’s entire “Return to Learning Plan” at

Please feel free to let me know if you have any questions or concerns.  We look forward to seeing everyone in-person on January 11th! #RocketsReturn2021

 TJ Glassmeyer, Principal

Daily Family Wellness Check (each morning before arrival):


Mask Requirements:

Building Requirements:

  • Wearing a mask is required for all staff and all students 
  • (K-12) during the school day and while utilizing school transportation.

Students will be provided face-covering breaks throughout the day. Students will be able to remove face coverings when they are:

  • Eating or drinking
  • During the day when social distancing is possible along with teacher and staff permission
  • Outdoor recess / outdoor breaks