As was announced this afternoon the District will be transitioning to full remote learning effective Monday, November 9th.  All students will learn remotely at least until Thanksgiving Break.  At that point the District will re-evaluate and make a decision about how students will learn in December.

Those students who are currently learning remotely using the Plato/Edmentum program will continue to use that program.  The plan below only applies to those students who are currently learning in-person.

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, & Friday

Students work at their own pace through assignments posted on Google Classroom.  Students will be required to complete an assignment for each class.  Teachers will post the assignments on Google Classroom no later than 10a each day.  Each lesson will include a teacher created video and some type of student activity.  Teachers will be online from 10a-2p to answer questions, work with individual students, and provide feedback to students.  

Attendance will be determined based on the number of assignments completed.  Students will have 4 assignments each week, per class.  If a student completes all assignments they will be marked present, if not attendance will be adjusted according to the number of assignments completed.  Attendance will be updated weekly on Monday mornings.

In addition to Google Classroom all assignments will also be posted at


Students will be required to log-in to a Google Meet at the regularly scheduled start of each class.  Teachers will lead a classroom circle and then review what material will be covered in that week’s assignments.  Students who are caught up on assignments will then be permitted to log-off.  Students who are behind on assignments or who need extra help will be required to stay in the Google Meet until the end of the regularly scheduled period.

Links to each Google Meet session will be posted in Google Classroom.  Attendance will be taken by the teacher at the start of each period.  Students not logged into the Google Meet will be counted absent for that period.

1st Period - 7:20a-8:09a

2nd Period - 8:13a-9:02a

3rd Period - 9:06a-9:55a

4th Period - 9:59a-10:48a

Lunch Break 

5th Period - 11:26a-12:15p

6th Period - 12:19p-1:08p

7th Period - 1:12p-2:03p