August 19, 2020

I hope everyone is enjoying the last few days of summer break! We are looking forward to seeing all our students either in-person or virtually on August 24th for the start of the 2020-21 School Year! Below you will find information for our students who are learning in-person and remotely. 

Virtual Open House

We will hold a Virtual Open House on Friday, August 21st at 3p.  A link will be placed on the district’s website and social media.  Families will be able to view special messages from all of our teachers at your convenience.

Remote Learning Students

As we have previously stated in our Return to Learning Plan, remote instruction will take place through the Plato Courseware Program.  We feel this is the best option to provide instruction to our students due to the high number of graduation required courses we have to offer.  Each student enrolled in the program will have a dedicated teacher assigned to them who will monitor progress and provide regular check-ins.

Remote learning students can pick up their chromebooks on August 20th and 21st, 12p-4p, in front of the high school.  At that time we will also provide your child’s account information for Plato and contact information for the staff member monitoring your child’s progress.

In-Person Learning Students

In-person classes begin Monday morning at 7:20a.  Students should enter the Math Wing doors if they ride a bus or drive themselves.  Students who are dropped off should enter the building through the front entrance.  Upon entry all students will have their temperature taken using a touchless scanner.

Updated student schedules were mailed home last Friday.  Please contact the Guidance Office with any schedule related questions –

I would encourage you to review our entire Return to Learning Plan with your child before the start of school.  It can be found at  A few highlights are –

  • Masks are required to be worn in the building at all times.  Exceptions are while eating and drinking, and when social distancing is possible in the classroom with teacher permission.  Governor Dewine required masks for all students (K-12) on August 4th, we are following the State of Ohio’s mandate.
  • Students should bring a water bottle from home.  The water fountains will be closed but the water bottle filling stations will be open.
  • Students can pack their own lunches but microwaves will not be available as we start the school year. 
  • Food from fast food restaurants cannot be dropped off to students.
  • To prevent overcrowding, students will not be permitted to use the restroom during class change.  Teachers will be provide time for students to use the restroom during class.