
CNE Elementary kicked off the school year learning about the Zones of Regulation! Mental health therapists, Jackie Pridemore and Kimberly Kirk, went into every classroom to educate the students on how awareness of emotions leads to healthy coping of these emotions. K-1st participated in learning about their own feelings and the feelings of others and then created an emotion "check-in" that can be used throughout the school year. 2nd-5th participated in creating a ToolKit where the students identified their personal coping strategies to use when they are in the Blue zone (sad, lonely, disappointed, tired, sick), Yellow zone (frustrated, excited, worried) or Red zone (angry, terrified, out of control, elated). By creating a ToolKit, each student is growing in confidence in learning how to return to the Green Zone (happy, calm, ready to learn) after feeling emotionally dysregulated. The students were motivated to learn and grow into emotional health! Through the Zones of Regulation instruction, CNE Elementary is building a pathway for students to regulate emotions so they can be ready to learn!