
Our Winter Wonderland Ready Rockets event is scheduled for Thursday, January18 from 6-7:30.    Teachers have been planning fun activities to go with the seasonal books that have been ordered for the students who attend.  In kindergarten, the teachers have chosen How to Catch a Snowman by Adam Wallace with activities to support the book while first grade selected The Night Before the Snow Day by Natasha Wing and second grade picked Pug's Snowy Day by Kyla May.  Third grade teachers have a treasure hunt planned; and fourth grade teachers have several snowflake activities to accompany their book selection, Snowflake Bentley by Jacqueline Briggs Martin, and fifth grade ordered Mr. Wolf's Class: Snow Day.

Other fun activities will be taking place from 6-7:30 as well.  Special area teachers have surprises ordered,  and the Title teachers are planning a winter sing-along.  The Girl Scouts and Frozen cast members will be here.  PTO is planning a snowball fight in the gym.

Hope to see you there!