
It's almost here!

Santa Shop will be 12/4-12/8/2023 and every grade level K-5 will have an opportunity to shop for Christmas gifts for their family/friends.
Here is the link to sign up to volunteer.
A couple important volunteer reminders:
You MUST have an approved, current background check on file. Every volunteer will be checked a couple days prior to the event and if you do not have this completed you will not be able to volunteer. You can reach out to Vicki Warman at the school to complete that step (the sooner the better).
We will have an AM shift and a PM shift each day. The times will likely change slightly from what is in the sign up but it will be close. You can sign up for as many shifts as you'd like. There are 10 shifts per day so we need lots of volunteers!
Volunteers will be assigned a child(ren) to walk through the shop with and help them purchase items. The child(ren) will have a list, completed with a parent (hopefully) to help guide them.
We want to make sure that every single kid has an amazing shopping experience!
As always, if you have any questions please feel free to email us at

Sign up here to help!