Welcome to the 2nd week of virtual learning.  I know this is not the ideal way to continue instruction but I appreciate everyone’s flexibility!

Just a few reminders for our students:

  • Each week teachers post lessons on Google Classroom for students to complete. The lessons are posted on Fridays and students have 1 week to finish the assignments.

  • The assignments are graded and will be included in the 4th Quarter grade calculations.

  • High School teachers are online throughout the week to assist students. The virtual sessions are not mandatory and will not be graded.  They are simply an opportunity for students to get extra help or check-in with their teachers.

  • Students having issues with their chromebooks can email Mr. Seals, seals_a@cneschools.org

  • If your child needs paper copies of assignments please contact Mr. Glassmeyer at 513-625-1211 x112 or glassmeyer_t@cneschools.org